Featured on Elan...

I know it's months over due but I was actually featured in a weekly fashion journal early this year with other very talented designers as...get this "Designers to look out for in 2009" hmm lil ol me, I was actually made up, had a photo shoot...pampered, the whole works. Truth is it's just occuring to me to share this news with y'all and not just keep the journal framed up in my workshop where it has been all these months giving me encouragement for those days where you start to question your ability to actually pull things off, for days when people expect and feel justified to give you much less than you know you actually deserve, for those days when you work till very late to wake up very early to run to a day job you wish you could just quit, you know... for just those days. I know that after the publication people that didnt, started to take me seriously, I got some orders and even offers for some sort of partnership hehehe, no but seriously it's a good feeling to be appreciated...especially if it is from out of the blue. Thank you Kemi (Style Editor at NEXT) for picking me out of the blue.
Congratulations on the feature and thanks for encouraging people hoping to make it in that big world with your words.
You definitely deserve the feature!
(PS - You are beautiful!)
Thank you Jummy. Take care.
well done! I'm still pained I didn't get some Gidan Nodza when I was in lagos, I won't make that mistake next time! If you've been around since 2005, I know you'll be around for a long time to come!
hey, long time! Well done on the feature, that is really super cool. Guess what, I am now in Lagos. Yes I went and did it. Good to see you are still waxing strong!
hey Girl congrats for the feature . No worries with your talent you have a long career in front of you
Amina!!!! You look fab in that photo:) I'm really really proud of you. I know you are definitely going places. You are crazy talented and you will only go up from here.
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