I made completed 3 patchwork bags. I have to admit that these ones came out much better that the first attempt...naturally! One of the things I love about what I do is how easy it is to change design right in the middle of putting it together. Patterns (when I do make them...I usually don't) are just guides and not replicas. I guess for me it's because, being self taught I always psyche myself that by doing it differently I might find a way of doing it faster and better (I must admit that most times it's not the case, sometimes I end up with more pieces and more work but I must admit...better result)
An example to buttress my point of doing things differently bla bla bla is the new Patchwork Aduke. Compare this new version with this one*wink* get my drift? Even though the person I made this bag for said she wanted it exactly like the first version I am sure she will love this one more...I can bet my newly repaired leg on that! lol
Even the interior is certainly better, no no no don't say I am making too much mouth...really it is! She wanted the bag to have a center compartment added to the 2 phone pouches, extra pouch, zipped compartment and the key ring holder that normally comes with Gidan Nodza bags...and we complied. So, which version do you wonderful readers prefer? Be honest...and I promise I will not fill up your mail box with hate mails and threat if you prefer the older version ☺☺ Thanks for stopping by, please check back later for the remaining two bags.
I can't seem to decide which one I prefer oh! I like the first one cos of how snug it looks when carried, but I like the studs of the second one :-D
I love your attention to detail. The boxes align perfectly!! I know firsthand from making patchwork skirts that it's no mean feat... Welldone. Please gimme a price quote for this bag :)
Babe, I need me one of your bags in my life!!!
I'm glad you're better now. Thank God!
I can't seem to decide which one I prefer oh! I like the first one cos of how snug it looks when carried, but I like the studs of the second one :-D
I love your attention to detail. The boxes align perfectly!! I know firsthand from making patchwork skirts that it's no mean feat... Welldone. Please gimme a price quote for this bag :)
I'm with you: I like the new patchwork Aduke better because I prefer the way that top edge is not patchwork and I like where you attached the straps.
Thank you guys for taking time to look at and comment on my work.
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